The Worship Initiative, Shane & Shane

It Is Well (Hymn)

Full Mix
It Is Well (Hymn)

It Is Well (Hymn)

CCLI: 7029513
68 BPM


Db Gb

Verse 1

Db Bbm Gb Ab Db
When   peace like a   river at ten -   deth my   way
Ab/C Bbm Gb Absus Ab
When   sorrows like   sea billows   roll           
Db Gb Ebmaj Ab
What ever my l ot Thou hast   taught me to   say
Gb Db/F Gb Ab Db Dbsus Db
It   is    well it  is    well    with my   soul                       

Chorus 1

Gb Ab Db Dbsus Db
It is well       with   my so ul                       
Db/F Gb
It   is            well
Absus Ab Db
It is   well     with  my    soul

Verse 2

Db Bbm Gb Ab Db
My   sin oh the   bliss of this   glo -   rious   thought
Ab/C Bbm Gb Ab
My       sin not in   part but the   whole
Db Gb Ebmaj Ab
Was   nailed to the   cross and I   bear it no   more
Gb Db/F Gb Ab Db Dbsus Db
Praise   the      Lord praise the   Lord  oh my  soul                       

Chorus 1

Gb Ab Db Dbsus Db
It is well       with   my so ul                       
Db/F Gb
It   is            well
Absus Ab (Db)
It is   well     with  my    soul


Db Gb

Verse 3

Db Bbm Gb Ab Db
  For   me be it   Christ be it   Christ   hence to   live
Ab/C Bbm Gb Ab
  If       Jordan a bove me shall   roll
Db Db/F Gb Ebmaj Ab
  No   pang shall   be       mine for in   death as in   life
Gb Db/F Gb Ab Db Dbsus Db
  Thou   wilt    whisper Thy   peace    to my   soul                       

Chorus 2

Db/F Gb Db
It   is well        with my   soul
Db/F Ebm Bbm
I   will      say to my   soul


Ab Gb Db
Bless the Lo rd      oh my so ul
Gb Db
Bless the Lo rd      oh my so ul
Db/F Gb Db
Bless   the Lo rd      oh my so ul
Gb Ebm Db Dbsus Db
It is w ell   it is   well with my so ul                            

Verse 4

Db Bbm Gb Ab Db
And   Lord haste the   day when my   faith   shall be   sight
Ab/C Bbm Gb Ab
The     clouds be rolled   back as a   scroll
Db Gb Ebmaj Ab
The   trump shall re sound and the   Lord shall de scend
Gb Db/F Gb Ab Db
E ven    so   it is   well    with my   soul