Shane & Shane

Praise To the Lord (Joyful, Joyful)


Praise To the Lord (Joyful, Joyful)

CCLI: 43073
68 BPM

Verse 1

Bb Dm Eb F Bb
Praise to the Lord the Al mighty the   King of cre a   -   tion
O my soul praise Him
Dm Eb F Bb
For   He is your   Health and Sal va  -   tion
Bb/D Eb Bb Gm F
Come all who   hear   now to His   Temple draw   near
Cm Gm F Bb
Join me in   glad ado ra  -   tion


Bb Cm Gm Eb

Verse 2

Praise to the Lord
Dm Eb F Bb
Above   all things so   wondrously   reign ing
Bb Dm
Sheltering you under His   Wings
Eb F Bb
And so   gently sus tai  -   ning
Bb/D Eb
Have you not   seen
Bb Gm F
All that is   needful has   been
Cm Gm F (Bb)
Sent by His   gracious or dai  -   ning


Bb Cm Gm Eb

Verse 3

Praise to the Lord
Dm Eb F Bb
Who will   prosper your   work and de fend   you
Bb Dm Eb F Bb
Surely His Goodness and   Mercy shall   daily a ttend   you
Bb/D Eb Bb Gm F
Ponder a new   what the A lmighty can   do
Cm Gm F (Bb)
If with His   Love He be friends   you

Turn (2X)

Bb Cm Gm Eb


Bb Cm
Joyful joyful we a dore thee
Gm Eb
God of glory Lord of   love
Bb Cm
Hearts unfold like flowers be fore thee
Gm Eb (Bb)
Op'ning to the   sun a bove


Bb Cm Gm Eb


Bb Cm
Joyful joyful we a dore thee
Gm Eb
God of glory Lord of   love
Bb Cm
Hearts unfold like flowers be fore thee
Gm Eb (Bb)
Op'ning to the   sun a bove

Turn (2X)

Bb Cm Gm Eb

Verse 4

Bb Dm Eb F Bb
Praise to the Lord oh let   all that is   in me a dore   Him
All that has life and breath
Dm Eb F Bb
Come now with   praises be fore   Him
Bb/D Eb Bb Gm F
Let the a men   sound from His   people a gain
Cm Gm F (Bb)
Gladly for ever a dore   Him

Outro (2X)

Bb Cm Gm Eb (Bb)