Submit Your Song

We believe in songs written by the Church, for the Church. While there is great music coming from a small number of big churches or labels, we've wondered how the Church could benefit from collecting songs from a large number of smaller churches or individuals. We're excited to periodically give our subscribers the opportunity to submit their songs to us for review, encouragement, feedback, or occasional placement on a Worship Initiative album.


Welcome to Song Submission!

This summer, Worship Initiative is hosting a group of Summer Residents from all over the world to learn about songwriting and to write songs straight from the Psalms––and we want to invite you to do the same! From Monday, June 24th to Friday, July 20th, you can follow along with our Residents and write songs with us. Each week, we'll have a new video teaching a different aspect of songwriting and how to apply it to the Psalms specifically. Then, we'll give you a specific Psalm to write from, totaling four options for you to try. At the end of the four weeks, you can pick one of your four Psalms to submit to our team. Our Residents will then review the submissions and select one song to include on this year's Residency Album! Happy writing, friends!

Sign up to be reminded about the weekly content release!

Song submission is available for annual subscribers. Create an annual account to access "Writing from the Psalms." With your annual subscription, you also get access to a vast library of training resources and exclusive content specifically curated with you in mind.

Writing from the Psalms

  • Week 1: Writing from the Psalms - Why it Matters Today!

    June 23-29, 2024

    The Psalms have been the hymnal for the people of God for thousands of years, but that should be true for the church today. Let's look at why singing the Psalms is more relevant and more powerful than ever.

    This Week's Reading

    • Psalm 66
    • The Psalter Reclaimed by Gordon J. Wenham: Chapters 1 & 2
    Download Guide
  • Week 2: Jesus and the Psalms

    June 30 - July 6, 2024

    Jesus quoted the Psalms more than any Old Testament book because he knew them and prayed them on a daily basis. The Psalms are also collectively pointing towards Jesus himself. Let's deep dive into how the Psalms are Christocentric and how that impacts our reading and understanding of the Psalter.

    This Week's Reading

    • Psalm 24
    • The Psalter Reclaimed by Gordon J. Wenham: Chapters 3 & 4
    Download Guide
  • Week 3: Practical Help

    July 7-13, 2024

    How should we approach the Psalms when trying to attempt new melodies for an ancient text? There are some clear do's and don'ts + best practices as you approach writing from the Psalter.

    This Week's Reading

    • Psalm 119
    • The Psalter Reclaimed by Gordon J. Wenham: Chapters 5 & 6
    Download Guide
  • Week 4: Song Submission

    July 14-20, 2024

    Carrie and Britton Hardcastle share about their experience during the 2023 Worship Initiative residency, their approach to songwriting, and their encouragement to you as you prepare to submit your song.

    This Week's Reading

    • Psalm 96
    • The Psalter Reclaimed by Gordon J. Wenham: Chapters 7 & 8
    Download Guide Submit a Song